The culture of Hype has transformed from clothing, sneakers and following blog entries to a full blown lifestyle. This lifestyle encompasses the way that one speaks, walks, dresses, what music one listens to, to how one carries themselves. Until the invention of Hypebeast and Hypetrak people who live this lifestyle where a loose band of taste makers and cool kids. Hypebeast and Hypetrak has brought together purveyors of Cool from all around the planet to form a society that we have anointed the Hype Club. The Hype Club has rules, guidelines and now a soundtrack for its loyal following, a mixtape entitled Hype Club.
Senior members of the Hypeclub, DJ Mick Boogie and producer Judah have tapped long time members Lil Wayne, Wale, U.N.I, GLC, along with junior up and coming members such as Nov Gannon, Milly July, Pat Piff, Dizzy, RatheMC, James Watts and Tyler the Creator amongst others to help explain exactly what it takes to be a Hype Club member and how one should carry themselves. The rallying call of Hype is all set to production provided by Judah, Santo Angelo and others. Chances are if you’re reading this right now you are interested in membership into the Hype Club. The first step is to download the mixtape from the link below and check out the track listing after the jump. Just remember the first rule…you don’t talk about Hype Club.
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